Breaking Down the Barriers: with the London School of Architecture
In 2021, GPAD partnered with the London School of Architecture to host an event for the London Design Festival – Breaking Down the Barriers.
The event was a panel discussion questioning: How can we give talented, underrepresented individuals the keys to unlock doors into the industry that have always been closed to them?
This event brought together architectural practices, developers, engineers, and other professionals, challenging them on the skills and framework required to widen access into the industry.
During the discussion the panellists shared their thoughts and insight into how we can widen access and create a more inclusive industry.
Breaking Down the Barriers seeks to mobilise pathways into the built environment and discuss how organisations can facilitate a career without the need for a university, debt-ridden education.
By sharing our ideas and insights, we can create a network focused on changing the perception of architecture, creating a more diverse and inclusive industry.
This is an invite only event. The event will be live streamed and available to view afterward.
Concordia Works wins a BCO Regional Award
Concordia Works has won the BCO North of England, North Wales & Northern Ireland Regional Award for Projects Up to 1,500m2.
Wittering House shortlisted in New London Awards
Wittering House has been shortlisted in the Homes category of New London Awards.
Launch of Zero Carbon London Report
GPAD are excited to have our White Lion Street project featured in the NLA Zero Carbon London report, which launched on 11 November.
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